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Jumat, 11 November 2011

Seperti apakah surga buku dalam versimu? : Inilah Surga Bukuku...

 aku nulis ini buat ngeramein blognya mbak melmarian yang mau first birthday...
ada tiga paket buku yang mau dibagiin, kalo aku milih yang paket ketiga,
Paket C ~Horror/Fantasy~ Jenazah Lazarus (Dorothy Scarborough) & Silver Phoenix (Cindy Pon).
Seperti apa sih surga buku menurut versiku? ini ceritaku......check it out ya... ^_^

 Surga Buku bagiku

"Buku adalah jendela dunia". Sering dan bahkan selalu aku mendengar, melihat serta membicarakan kata-kata itu. Dan aku pun dibawa untuk berkeyakinan bahwa memang buku adalah jendela dunia, bingkai awal dari segala pengetahuan yang bisa diraih serta kesepakatan umum yang berterima tentang sumber ilmu di segala bidang.

Bagiku, buku adalah kitab suci yang mampu memberikan pencerahan dari jalan hitam yang sempat terambil. Ia mampu menunjukkan jalan mana yang diambil dan jalan mana yang harus ditinggalkan, "The Road not Taken". Seperti kebanyakan orang, aku melihat buku adalah sebuah nyawa. Ditiup oleh Tuhan untuk menyampaikan wahyu kepada orang berilmu yang tersesat sementara, sepertiku.
Buku mampu membuatku haus dan lapar akan ilmu. Aku sadar akan kebodohanku jika tanpa membaca ayat-ayat yang terukir indah di atas kertas berlabelkan buku.

Kecintaanku pada buku membawaku dalam sebuah keniscayaan bahwa "Tanpa buku, aku bukanlah apapun". Kecintaanku pada bukupun membawaku pada satu cita-cita bahwa dunia ini akan indah jika aku hidup dengan bermandikan buku-buku, tidur beralaskan buku serta makan berlauk buku.
Aku membayangkan sebuah istana besar dengan berbagai macam rak kayu berukuran khas dengan berupa-rupa buku di dalamnya. Ya. Inilah surga bukuku. Tempat yang memberiku keindahan dan kenyamanan, terutama dalam hidupku. Bagiku, surga buku tak ubahnya seperti surga Firdaus yang diciptakan Tuhan khusus bagi mahluk-Nya yang beriman.

Inilah aku, dengan surga buku yang aku impikan. Membawaku pada dunia yang sesungguhnya. Dunia yang penuh dengan ilmu dan keindahan. Karena buku adalah jendela dunia, bingkai utama keindahan ilu. Dan dunia itu adalah surgaku.

Surabaya, 10 Nopember 2011

yup. ini ceritaku..... :D

Minggu, 06 November 2011

“Your sweetest smile, for me, for her and for them”

I stood up on the dream floor. I was aware that I had thrown away into my deepest sleep. In this part, I was standing up on the black bridge. Seeing the sun tried to move in and out. I thought it was breaking dawn, but the blue birds twittering there. I did not understand what this dream mean, but I seemed to be uneasy to go back to my real word, to go out from this black sleep. I was aware that I was being trapped in a dream, but I still enjoyed in feeling it.
            I continued my way. I was crossing the bridge with my feet, although the bleeding nails disturbed my steps. I found you there, beside the brown big tree. You, with the hand full of blood needed any help from anyone who met. I was standing by you. I asked who are you and you are only smile. I was not surprised. I still looked at you and waited for your mouth opened for saying a word. You still kept smiling. I reached your hand, tried to wash your bleeding hand with my water inside the bottle which I took from my brown bag. I seemed to be forgotten that I also had the same bleeding thing, my bleeding nails. Because of your smile, the beauty smiles which I never seen, I forgot my pain.
I got closer to you. Day by day I tried to meet you in that tree, at the corner of the bridge. I enjoyed this dream so much, although it took much times.
“Oh God, I have to go to campus”, my word surprisingly. It was almost 7 am and I still woke up on my bad. This was my first day for going study. Those holidays seemed to be my darkest days. I could not meet my friends, I just stayed at home without any work to do, and surely because I could not meet you. You are a man who had disturbed my sleep. You seemed to be real.
I stepped my feet on the high land, up and down without any purpose. I tried to get the branch of retiring old tree. I met the colony of bees flying over the old tree, reached the sweet honey on the top of it.
“God, I am late for going to campus but I still remember that dream..? Hemmm….” I said with a smile, the smile of yours. I entered the classroom then. I saw you on the chair, at the corner of square cream building called classroom. You smiled for me, like the same smile in my dream. Surely I understood that you were handsome because of your smile. Hash, what I was dreaming of!
I sat down on my own chair, my eternal chair in my cream classroom. I never wanted to move because this was mine and I never agreed if anyone stole it from me. My chair was like you. I never wanted you being stolen with others, not even for her. Yeah, I ever met you with her. You always spread out your smile for her, the same smile with your eternal smile for me. Once again I felt so upset down. I leaved you with the cry.
My lecturer was over. I did not want to gather with my friends because I wanted to go home soon. My brain was full of trashes and I had to clean it soon. I tried to forget it with writing a poem. But my poem was about you although I did not want it too. I tried to sleep but I still being remembered by your smile, your sweetest smile this morning and also at my last dream. How fucking this feeling is!
You, always with your smile came to my place. In the dark rainy night and the light of thunder accompanied you for a while. You came to me for bringing the box full of hope. I received it with much gladness. You, always give me surprise thing. But, why I was being trapped into the sadness? Ow, what the hell is this!
I closed my eyes for a while. I tried to forget all of the pain. I wanted to far from your side. I did not want to get your smile again. I ever heard from the others, that you ever or even give your smile for them, the red apples on that corner tree. I did not want that. And I never wanted that.
Humm, today was fairy tale. It was only my dream to reach every side of you. We are different. I never got close to you. You, with your smile, for me, for her and also for them

A rainy night, October 9th 2011